Lesson26 Emphasising a Point

I hit my hand on a pole of Sannomiya station while I was running towards the train this morning. My hand hurts.I don't know if i should put ice on the injured part.……鈍くさすぎ。


このスキットに関して、彼・彼女・親の立場でそれぞれの友人に相談しましょう、ってやつ。当然、自分の立場を有利に説明するだろうから、Emphasising(強調)が必要になるというわけ。うーむ、よくできているテキストだ(藁 Almost all Japanese must think that "I'm sorry, but I've never seen such a problem before."

-That's just the point,...
-But the question is...
-But the real question is...
-This raises the problem of...
-But can't you see...

I guess she might be in a bad situation,because his parents dislike her...I wanna tell her to say good-bye soon!!

This raises the problem of whether I will be able to live with his parents.(問題は彼の両親と一緒に住むかどうかっしょ)
